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Excel training in English on site

Quite a unique feature in Hungary: I hold the Excel training in English if required. Can be useful for expat managers working in Hungary, or for multilingual staffs. The basic thematics is the same as for the Hungarian audience, and certainly can be customized also to meet special needs. I hold the training on the location of the company anywhere in Hungary.

The basic guideline for a general training can be read below, and it covers the usual needs of any team having an average level of experience with Excel. As it is important for me to achieve maximum customer satisfaction the thematics of the course is tailor-made to the needs of the company. An example: we can work with the Excel files used in the daily work, so the attendees don’t have to get used to my ‘created’ excercises, they will work in a well known environment.

For further information about the topics please click on the title.
[expand title=”Functions I – Basics” tag=”h3″]

defining creating Excel formulas, nested formulas

Creating Excel formulas, including nested ones

  • how they work
  • the $ symbol
  • most important functions (SUM, SUMIF, IF, COUNTIF, VLOOKUP)
  • cell naming

[expand title=”Keyboard shortcuts” tag=”h3″]
convenient key combinations like cut&paste, row insert and deletion, selecting whole table with key combination or fine-tuning the selection made with the mouse
[expand title=”Functions II – Advanced” tag=”h3″]

Creating Profit&Loss statement directly from account list with Excel functions

Creating Profit&Loss statement directly from account list

  • reference from other worksheets/workbooks, problematic cases
  • cut links from outer workbooks (e.g. for sending the summary in email)
  • function nesting
  • frequent error messages (#N/A, #DIV/ZERO etc)

[expand title=”Cell content and format” tag=”h3″]

  • text or number?
  • use of dates (entering dates, number of days calculation, date functions)
  • use of percentages
  • individual formatting
  • combining cells, problematic cases
  • data sorting in a table, common mistakes

[expand title=”Useful Excel functions” tag=”h3″]

Selection from a dropdown menu, and creation of simple bar charts in Excel

Selection from a dropdown menu, and creation of simple bar charts

  • autofilter (filtering figures, text or colors in lists)
  • conditional formatting (creation of scorecards, highlighting items in lists)
  • removing multiple entries from list
  • dynamic hiding/showing of rows/columns
  • creating subtotals in lists

[expand title=”Pivot-table” tag=”h3″]

  • useful for quick summarizing, spotting errors, finding top items
  • from simple, half-a-minute tasks to multi-level summation
  • filtering, ordering within pivot-table

[expand title=”Diagrams, charts” tag=”h3″]

Usage of secondary Y axis on a chart in Excel

Usage of secondary Y axis on a chart

  • from the simple line-chart to the two-axis mixed bar-line chart
  • dynamic diagram from pivot-table
  • useful tips: line chart not to drop to zero for future periods; change axis scaling; chart texts; stacked bar chart

[expand title=”Mass data import to Excel” tag=”h3″]

  • import data directly from a server
  • import data from text file, problematic cases (stripping zeros, text or number, strange data results)

[expand title=”Visual Basic Macros” tag=”h3″]

VBA, Visual Basic For Applications code, Excel

Editing a Visual Basic program

  • what are they used for? supporting work in small and large
  • recording, editing macros
  • creation of some simple but useful macros

[expand title=”Further useful functions” tag=”h3″]

Profit brige (plan-actual comparison) automatically created with formulas and bar chart in Excel

Profit brige (plan-actual comparison) automatically created with formulas and bar chart

  • clickable links within a document
  • repeating certain header rows and columns during multi-page printing
  • turning off automatic calculation for large workbooks
  • workbook/worksheet/cell protection (file and operation level)
  • simultaneous work of several users in a single Excel workbook
  • usage of array formulas (useful for summing cells fulfilling numerous conditions)
  • special paste
  • easy concatenation of text
  • quick zoom in-out
  • logical operations (AND/OR/NOT)
  • Excel 2003 versus 2010: compatibility mode (conversation, functions)

For further information  and ordering please contact me on info[@]exceltrening[.]hu or +36 20 241 5199. The prices and conditions can be found here.


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